Anointing of the Sick

To Request an Anointing

Those who would like to receive the Sacrament before a hospital stay or surgery are invited to call the parish office to make arrangements. The Sacrament is also available to those who may be near death. Please inform the parish office when a friend or relative from the parish enters or leaves the hospital or is homebound.

The Church has guidelines for those who may approach the sacrament. Here are those guidelines as pointed out in the Church’s Pastoral Care of the Sick in its General Instructions:

    • Great care and concern should be taken to see that those of the faithful whose health is seriously impaired by sickness or old age receive this sacrament.
    • A sick person may be anointed before surgery whenever a serious illness is the reason for the surgery.
    • Elderly people may be anointed if they have become notably weakened even though no serious illness is present.
    • ​​​​​​​​​​​Sick children may be anointed if they have sufficient use of reason to be strengthened by this sacrament.