

Students must be registered in our program at least one year prior to the reception of a Sacrament.  To request preparation for the Sacraments, please contact Kelly Guest.

Students in 2nd grade are prepared for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist through the school year. Parents are required to attend meetings for those sacraments so they can assist their children with this exciting time in their faith. We believe that parents are the primary catechists of our children.

During the year there are two eight-lesson booklets, one for First Reconciliation and one for First Eucharist, they need to be completed before their sacrament. .

Parent Involvement in preparation is vital! Your child learns the most from you because you are the primary educator of the faith! Most of the teaching for the Sacrament takes place in the home.
Preparation for these Sacraments consists of:

  • Mass Attendance
  • Enroll and attend Religious Education classes